Green Day at Soundwave – Review

Then there was the chanting of “ole ole ole” and other mindless crowd participation crap, that had nothing to do with Green Day songs. It just wasted time, it got to the point where I was almost collapsing in frustration – I think it was during Minority, which sounded absolutely fantastic live, that they just interrupted the flow of the song for some more dramatic rubbish. I was in the zone and they cut it off!

Some chick was also invited up to play guitar – she actually did OK, then of course good old Billie said she could keep the guitar. How nice of him.

They finished about 10 minutes early, fittingly with Armstrong alone playing “Good Riddance”. So the set was about 2 and a half hours rather than the advertised 3. 31 songs meant an average of just under 5 minutes a song. When you consider a lot of their tracks are 2-3 minutes, that equates to a lot of f**king around. They could have played hits hits like JAR, Nice Guys Finish Last, Warning (it goes on) during that time.

Aside from the noted annoyances, when they were actually focused on playing their songs, Green Day were awesome and thoroughly enjoyable live. If they fixed up all the other stuff, it would be a truly amazing spectacle to see.

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