Beer Snake World Record Broken at SCG

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The crowd at the One Day International match at the SCG last night pulled off the incredible feat of breaking the world record for the longest ever Beer Cup Snake.

When the match was delayed by rain, 22000 people switched into build mode. The snake was pioneered by a group in bay 13, below the Trumper Stand. Before long the snake amazingly stretched across 6 bays, from 10-15.

The first snake was a monster of its own, stretching 6 bays

In a rare performance, police and security watched on without making any moves to ruin the efforts of the enthusiastic crowd.

Soon after, a second snake appeared on the other side of the concourse, below the Brewongle and Churchill stands. While the length of this snake was smaller than the original, it was still an impressive size. The goal was clear – to move the second snake over to the master and join them to create a monster.

The revellers in charge of snake #2 responded to the crowds chants of “bring the snake” and the plastic serpent began to slowly slither its way across the bays towards the Trumper concourse.

As it approached, it appeared as though the fun police were finally going to interject as group of police gathered and the end of the next bay. However, they sent the crowd into a joyful frenzy when they began facilitating the move, directing the snake up the aisle and into the tunnel behind the stands to circumnavigate the gap in the grandstand that was coming up.

Security and police help with moving the second snake

Meanwhile, back at the site where the snake was conceived, a Snake Rotation Policy had been implemented in order to relieve people of tired arms from holding the snake for about an hour.

Finally, Snake #2 emerged from the tunnel in bay 17 and began to make its way closer and closer to Snake #1. The snakes were almost joined and the crowd began to count down. An almighty celebration began as the union occurred. Cheers of “Beer Snake! Beer Snake!” boomed around the SCG. The excitement in the crowd was heightened even more when the big screen announced that we had broken the World Record for the longest beer snake, set at the WACA in 2007.

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