Eagles of Death Metal Sydney Sidewave – Review


The Australian “Summer in the Desert” continued on Wednesday night – The entertainment machine Jesse Hughes was in fine form, as his Eagles of Death Metal rocked through an energetic show to the delight of the Sydney crowd.

Unfortunately we missed Mutemath, but settled in a few rows back from the front in readiness for “Rocket from the Crypt”. Dressed in matching clothing, reminding me of the Hives, they skimmed through a fun set which culminated with songs like “On a Rope” and “Born in ’69”. Lead man John Reis took the time to take the piss out of certain Soundwave headliners. “We’ve learnt some new tricks on the tour, we’d like to try some out. We saw a band do this… YEEAAAHHHH! Come on everybody!”

The sound was a bit off for Rocket from the Crypt. It was bloody loud – too loud. You couldn’t hear the brass instruments at all. Luckily they got this sorted out for Eagles of Death Metal – it was almost perfect.

J Devil (Jesse Hughes) appeared, wearing a red cape. He pranced back and forth across the stage, revving up the crowd in his usual eccentric fashion. Then it was off with the cape and on with the guitar. With a kiss of his pick and a wave of his hands, it was time to dance.


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